In the past years a lot of fanciers have been succesfull with the pigeons of Toon Schults.
On this page we will show you a selection of these people.
We start with the famous Jac Steketee who won the 1th national of Dax in 1989
with a crossbreed from the Schults loft.
Klaas de Frel won the 1th National st.Vincent with a crossed Schults pigeons who
he got thru Jac Steketee.
Then the Pau doffer of Jan Moedt from St. Phillipslands is by far the biggest
legend of this list of succeses. This
pigeons was bought by mister Moedt directy from the Schults loft.
This pigeons raced 3 times within the first 100 national from Pau.
Even more important were the offspring this pigeon produced as he is:
The Grandfather
of the Paarsborst winner 1st
national Dax Ko van Dommelen
Grandfather of the 1e nationaal Lourdes van
Ko van Dommelen.
Grandfather of the 1e nationaal Dax van Kees
Great grandfather
of the national winner Pau from Marco
De mooie Kweekster direct Steketee a true world cross breed with Nipius x Lazeroms she was the absolute core of the Paarsborst Dynastie. As you can see at the picture above from 1999 were the people from Toppigeons (Piet de Vogel and Frans van Peperstraten) and also our by now good friend mister Poul Staerker from Denmark already very intrested int this specific line of birds.
There were many more succeses with the birds of the Schults loft like :
Jac van Poperingen and Son who won the 6e national Barcelona and 2nd National at the hens race with a full Schults hen.
The "geschotene" who gave the following results :2012 : Leo Rompelaar won the 4th national Barcelona. The mother of this pigeons was a full Schults bird.
We hope you enjoyed this part of the website and new information will be
added later.